After being cut off by an SUV while cycling in central park, Brian Dooda got into a media frenzy. Gawker reports that after being maliciously cut off by a speeding SUV, Dooda caught up to the offending vehicle and demanded it slow down, as he was exceeding the park's 25mph speedlimit by a considerable amount. According to the report he gave the Police,
The driver then accelerated, lunging straight into me, knocking me and my bicycle to the ground and to the left side of his car. I quickly got to my feet and positioned myself in front of his vehicle to prevent him from fleeing the scene. I called out to bystanders to call the police and yelled at the driver that he was insane, he just hit me, and he can't leave. The driver again accelerated into me, with no intention of stopping, forcing me, prostrate, onto the drivers side hood of his vehicle. Riding precariously with a 4,000 lb wheel inches from pulling me beneath it, I screamed for the driver to "Stop!!! Please Stop!!" over and over. He continued to ignore my pleas for some 200ft. keeping a steady 5 or 10mph. He then stopped suddenly allowing me to fall off the side of the hood. Just as quickly as he stopped he violently accelerated again knocking me to the side. This time I managed to stay standing. The driver then sped off Northbound. At this point several witnesses came to my aid and reported his license plate.

So the license plate that they recorded the numbers of was also noted to be an "NYP" license plate, i.e. belonging to a member of the press. Relaying the ordeal to Gawker, Dooda joked that he must've been from Fox.
Ahem, here's the good part:
Upon further investigation the driver was identified as Don Broderick, a writer for Fox News! Wow, this really couldn't get any better if we tried...
Wait for it....
Apparently Broderick is also a former NYPost reporter!
Man this just gets better and better, not only is the most reviled news source in the western hemisphere calimant to the highest freaquency of SUV drivers, but they hire vengeful ones with crappy journalistic skills (need we remind ourselves of the Post's past tours de farce?)
Not being one to claim that cyclists are always in the right, I have to say that Brian made a mistake trying to subdue an SUV-driving maniac, expecting to be treated civilly (Mind you, it is safe to assume that those associated with Fox are the kind that when in disagreement about a subject, prefer idle threats of murder and the like to tactics of discussion and resolution). Dooda, maybe you should've just let it go.
Anyway, lets hope Broderick gets the book thrown at him.
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