I've heard putting a piece of aluminum foil on your fingertip inside the glove helps. Turns out it doesn't work very well at all, and it only serves to make your fingertip really chilly. Short of taking the scissors to a pair of knit gloves, I was out of ideas today when I came across this shockingly relevant item:
from probablybadnews.com
I'm wholly in favor of this idea. I think sausages could be made in a not-intended-as-food-but-only-as-touch-screen-on-cold-weather-days-stylus-sausageway. Perhaps we'll see a general rise in surrogate/disposable digits. Inevitably, Americans and Japanese will demand them to be available in cute, portable sizes ala Muji. Then perhaps I'll finally be able to buy 'lil Smokies in New York...
...oh man I love 'lil Smokies...
Two birds with one stone, now if only we could do something about those jackasses who lean on the pole in the subway when hand-hold real estate is already scarce... bastards...