
Platmate Karissa Shannon via Tyler Durden

check out what you missed

Also, make sure to stop by the Rapha pop-up shop on Bowery tomorrow, which is their first day of business. Word on the street is it's being operated by the Mike Spriggs of NYCVelo so you know at least the staff will be talkative and helpful. I'm stopping in for Tdf news and generally epic awesomeness after my own awesomely epic ride wherein I will totally miss coverage of the prologue. whatever, ITT's are sorta boring anyway...so are prologues, for that matter...

Le Tour!

©A.S.O. from www.letour.fr

Don't miss it. Prologue is tomorrow in Rotterdam, an ITT... While I certainly hope Fab-man Cancellara does well, though it is a rare thing for the one wearing the maillot jaune on stage 1 to keep it until the Champs Elysees in three weeks.

So check it out, I'm a nice guy so I'll save you a "spot by the finish" so to speak, by directing you to places that show it for free or otherwise. While I'm usually chagrined to pay for anything, really, it's way more entertaining to watch the grand tours with Phil Liggett (2 ligget 2 quit) and Paul Sherwen commentating than watching it in silence, another wacky language, or, as I've become fond of doing, playing a smattering of Slayer, Anthrax, Metallica, Cannibal Corpse, and Megadeth really really loud. I reccommend the last approch the most.

Anywho, I can't find links to live sites yet because today is only the teams presentation and I think that's over with by now... Of course you can go check out Universal Sports (with "non-ligget" commentary) or Versus (with "ligget" commentary), though it's entirely possible that you'll have to fork over like $20, which considering the quality of coverage and the fact that you can log in on the site from anywhere, including your telephone is a negligible cost.

Oh, and have a yoke-casting-off-y independence day if I don't get back to y'all before then...



MIssed Connections: A Tale of Brooklyn...

Ecuador Earrings - w4w

Date: 2010-06-29, 10:02PMThis is going out into the netherworld so I can let go of it. I can't get the thought out of my head that I should have gotten a name, made more convo, not ran away with my water. But how do you talk to someone who is with someone without them feeling protective? Honestly, I just want to know more people like the both of you. It's like I felt this crazy energy from you, so much so that I went upstairs and had what felt like an anxiety attack! Then I attracted a person to me who told me to send my overwhelming vibes to the sun. I felt like a chain of events happened the minute you appeared at the bar next to me, like you were meant to be there, and even weirder that you used to live very close to where I live now in a different state. It would be one thing if it was in NY. Of all the people in that club...how did I run into you? Maybe we were fated to be friends and I totally bungled that by getting shy and running away. This is totally gay I know. Wish I hadn't acted so weird.

  • Location: City Saturday
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Original URL: http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/mis/1818278658.html 

(the underlining is my "poche" as they say in so called "intellectual circles"...as are parenthetical citations, apparently...)

sorry, that's a lame ass post... here, press command and click this...

and now look at this:


hey hey hey!

So check it out,

I feel real bad about the tattered and decrepit state with which I leave this blog, but alas, the weather is nice (read: sweltering) and the riding has been good of late, so too fucking bad... I raced in that harlem race with the far-too-long-title eight days ago and then a local race at prospect park at the crack of dawn yesterday, after which I rode down to Red Hook with some peeps (no, not the mallow-y kind) on the new track bike, then ran errands until the night time.

I promise to post photos of the new bike just as soon as my photographer comrade gets around to letting me crash his place of work, though I won't let that stop me from enumerating several things I've noticed about riding a true track bike in the city:

  1. It's extremely dangerous not having brakes.
  2. It's extremely uncomfortable geometry for rides lasting longer than an hour or so, and considering there's really no way to attach or mount anything to the frame, vital accouterments must be carried on the back.
  3. Carrying shit on your back is annoying and hot.
  4. My being hot and annoyed is extremely dangerous to other users of the road.
Of course this is not to say I don't thoroughly enjoy my new ride, it just so happens to now occupy the coveted "most impractical" position in my "stable". Then again, if for you practicality is gleaning compliments from passers-by and attention from "fixie girls" (you're welcome), then that machine is a fucking swiss army knife. 

Not to sound like a dick, but its aggravating to have random people stroll up to you and go, "hey man, nice bike" every thirty fucking seconds or have grungy hipsters fondle it while it's locked up somewhere. A buddy of mine rides a real beautiful black and red Bridgestone and has to deal with the same shit constantly. 

So I was at this dance-party thingy down in Red Hook Saturday (yeah, it's been a real Red Hook weekend) and I brought the bike in and leaned it in a conspicuous spot so I could keep an eye on it. This guy walks over, grabs the bars and spins the bike up onto the rear wheel like he's about to roll it into an elevator so naturally I fly across the loft and demand he put it down at once.

I'll never understand the need people feel to touch shiny or smooth things... It reminds me of the inane behavior of those antsy people who have to look down the tunnel for the train every ten seconds; it'll come when it comes, just chill out...

Furthermore, aside from being motor-powered, I fail to see how my (expensive, sexy, shiny, babe-scooping, etc...) ride differs from, say, a custom Harley or sports car. Is it that they're afraid of getting the shit kicked out of them by this guy:

who is obviously in tip-top shape from all the ballantine-drinking and harley-riding he does; or getting publicly embarassed by this douche:

screen-capped from that Vin Diesel Movie

who masks his weak character in fineries...?

I don't get it. Especially when you consider people who ride bicycles are likely in far better cardiovascular and muscular shape that either of the above two stereotypes combined. If I had any sense, I would be far more hesitant to go fucking with shit belonging to these legs:

Am I right or am I right?

Anyways, since I rode around yesterday literally from sun-up to sun-down (and then some) I opted to take the 'ol iron horse in today.

I know I have to give myself days off the bike, but I rue my decision within fifteen minutes of being confined in a steel box with hundreds of sweaty and crabby new yorkers. It makes me daydream about peacefully lolling along in the park or the quaint residential streets of my beloved Brooklyn...

Last night I typed "cycling is fun" into the search bar of a popular video hosting website and found these rather interesting videos of what our cycling environment could be like! enjoy!

And then there's this one which neatly explains why the Netherlands has such wonderful cycling infrastructure:

Well, enjoy, and try to make the most of the rest of this muggy monday...